Financial Planning

Our Financial Planning Process:

  1. Complete initial discovery interview to review and develop an understanding of the client's current financial position as well as to verify their short, immediate and longer term goals.
  2. Send a discovery letter to verify financial information gained during the interview process.
  3. Prepare a detailed Statement of Financial Position, Current Investment Allocation and verification of goals and objectives.
  4. Prepare a written Financial Plan outlining goals and recommendations regarding how to meet the client's objectives in the most appropriate manner. Develop a Financial Independence Model in order to determine the minimum rate of return a client would need to earn in order to meet their financial objectives based on their available capital and investment horizon. By determining this minimum investment hurdle rate, it allows us to create portfolios which provide our clients with the greatest opportunity of meeting their targeted investment return with the minimum amount of volatility.
  5. Developing a written Investment Policy Statement provides the following benefits:
    1. Clarifies objectives and expectations for all concerned parties.
    2. Approves specific procedures so that all parties concerned know what to expect.
    3. Compels the investor and advisor to be more disciplined and systematic in their decision-making.
    4. Minimizes the potential for misunderstandings.
    5. Establishes a record of decisions and an objective means to test whether those serving the investor are complying with the investor's requirements.
    6. Provides a means to communicate to advisors, beneficiaries and current as well as future fiduciaries on how the investor proposes to act upon his/her/their duties.
  6. Identify appropriate investment managers to be utilized as part of this process:
    1. Active versus passive management
    2. Security selection of:
      1. Mutual Funds
      2. Exchange Traded Funds
      3. Separate Account Managers
      4. Individual Stocks
      5. Individual Bonds
      6. Hedge Funds
      7. Private Equity
      8. Commodities
      9. Real Estate
      10. Managed Futures
    3. Develop a timeline and implementation strategy in order to initiate recommendations.
    4. Initiate investment strategy.
    5. Monitor quarterly performance of investment assets against stated objectives.
    6. On an annual basis, update Cash Flow models and Statement of Financial Position to assure family objectives are being met, as well as incorporating any changes in financial situation or the client's philosophy.

Each client has goals and objectives that are unique. Our approach recognizes that we take the time to thoroughly listen to them and understand their goals and objectives. We ask questions, listen to concerns and welcome discussion as alternatives are considered.